Do you want to help an animal in need but can't adopt right now? Do you want to give a gift to someone special?
Sponsor-A-Pet is the perfect gift of giving. To sponsor a pet, please click on Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annual or Annual Donation, then complete the online form below. You can also print the form and return it to the Friends Forever Humane Society with a check if you prefer. Whatever you decide, we thank you for your support!!
Sponsor A Pet Forms - Please select a frequency below

Payments can be made by check, cash, or credit card. If you wish to use a credit card, you can do so in person at our shelter or use the secure online form on our website. Please do not enter credit card information on a printed form.
The start date of sponsorship goes into effect on the 1st of the following month from which the contributions are received.
If you choose to pick your sponsored pet, your sponsorship will be linked to that pet until either the pet is adopted out or you terminate your sponsorship. If a sponsored pet is adopted out during the duration of the sponsorship, another pet within the same species category will be selected by the Friends Forever staff to be the sponsor’s new pet.
Sponsorships can be given in honor of or memory of a special person or pet.