All donations are tax-deductible. You can make a general donation, present a Memorial or Honorarium Gift, or specify a project that you would like to support. No matter what type of donation you choose to make, all donors are deeply appreciated and acknowledged in our Newsletters.
Monthly Donations
Now you can donate a monthly amount to Friends Forever. Learn more about the membership levels and what they can do for our shelter animals. And remember, no donation is too small - each dollar and biscuit are greatly appreciated!
Donate with PayPal
Statistics show that about 70 percent of the adults in this country do not have a valid will. Those without wills are passing up the chance to distribute their estate according to their wishes, rather than those of the state.
A will can provide many ways for you to benefit your local shelter, as well as your church, schools, and other worthy organizations. For example, you can leave your local Humane Society a percentage of your estate after your family has been taken care of. Or you can designate that a specific amount, or piece of property, be given to the humane society. Memorial gifts, as well as charitable trusts that generate income for your surviving spouse and other family members, are also commonly included in a properly drawn will.
There are many ways to make a significant gift to our shelter while also protecting your estate for your family and other organizations. Let us know how we can help.
Thank you to all of our wonderful supporters!
Contact us to request more information about giving to Friends Forever through your will.