IMPORTANT COVID-19 MESSAGE – We Will Be Closed to the Public
We at Friends Forever will continue to care for animals who need us. However, due to our concern for our community and state mandates, WE WILL BE CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. More than ever, we can use your support.
Here are some ways you can help:
DONATE: We are a small shelter, and in order to stay afloat in these very difficult times, any amount of financial support is much appreciated.
FOSTER: We have some animals in foster right now, and we have received more applications that we are working through to help place more animals into foster care. The more we have animals in homes and not at the shelter, the more room we have for new animals who need our help.
ADOPT: Please go to our webpage and get pre-approved to adopt. Even if you do not know which animal you specifically want, if we are able to get pre-approvals finished, we will be able to move animals quickly once this worldwide health crisis has resolved to the point where we can be open to the public once more. We may be able to have outdoor viewings for pre-approved adopters on an as-needed basis, of course respecting all social distancing protocols. Because of the close proximity in the cat rooms, we will not be able to show cats at this time.
COME TO THE DOG PARK: The health officials tell us that as long as we maintain social distances and avoid groups, outdoor activity is encouraged. The $5 dog park fees will help keep the shelter running.
Thank you for your continued support and love for all creatures. We appreciate our community and look forward to the day we can see you again in person.